Sunday, May 1, 2011


It's Sunday. Sad sad Sunday as it will followed by Monday...
But anyway, let's enjoy the day while we can, shall we?
I started the day as my other normal Sunday morning.
Woke up at 8am, did some chores, swept the floor, did the laundry, took my shower...and FINALLY IT'S TIME FOR BREAKFAST!
Breakfast is my most fav time.
I don't know why, maybe I just love the morning breeze and having breakfast is always reminds me of my family because back when I was young we used to have breakfast together, eat roti canai and nasi lemak with my whole family.

My breakfast today is yesterday's seafood fried rice that I bought.
I just ate half of it yesterday, so I still have half of it.
I'm kinda excited as the fried rice is sooooo yummy!
I brushed my teeth 1 minute instead of 3 minutes like I always do just to find out that the shiny seafood fried rice now has turned out to be a dry "siput fraid rais".
The fried rice is no longer shining as yesterday.
The rice is now dry and the squid and prawn in it is a bit slimy.
It's not that really really slimy but enough to make my nose uncomfortable
Yes, it's a bit smelly...not that really smelly but that's prove enough that the rice is starting to rot...
My beautiful breakfast in the morning is ruined.


But I ate it anyway. 
What? Don't blame me, I just love breakfast so much!
Besides, worst thing that could happen is I got diarrhea or food poisoning
Now I'm full and I'm happy

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