Saturday, December 24, 2011

Remain Silent

It is better to remain silent and be a good listener or observer if you do not know much about something. You might end up saying something stupid.

It is better to remain silent and be a good listener and a nice shoulder to be cried on if you do not know a person so well. You might end up hurting one's feeling.

Do not act like a wise man when you completely have no idea about the issue.

A not - so - close - friend of mine, whose just got married, told me why am I still single ( yeah, like he knew me inside out ). And he said that I should take him as an example. He was like "Hey, look at me, I'm so cool and that's why I got married". And that hurt me  a bit  a lot. I mean, okay now you are married and I am not, so what? Is that a big deal? Is that a problem to you?

It pissed me off not because I am still single, but because I do not think that he has right to judge me like that, especially when he does not know me that well. I hate it when people judge me without finding out the whole story. Do not be such an arrogant. Have not you heard that everyone has their own fate? Have not you heard that everyone has their ups and downs? I may not marry yet, I even do not have a boyfriend. Am I ruining your life? NO. In fact, I think my life is so much better than yours.

I could shoot you back, but I did not. I thought fighting with an arrogant like you is just useless. I should have known you better. Do you really want to compare your life with my life? Do you? Hah, I am afraid that you would cry and kill yourself. I am sorry, but as far as I know, you are nothing. Seriously. I can write the reasons why am I saying that. But no, I think I will keep it to myself.

Yes, you can say whatever you want to say, if it makes you happy. I am sure you are a type of person who love to see people cry while you laugh till you wet your pants. Do not compare your life with others. Do not say that you are lucky enough, because there is another person whose luckier than you. 

I swear if I have an evil mouth, I would have said "Congratulations for the wedding. You are now the coolest and the most successful man. Now go fuck your wife". But since I am a good naive sweet little pie, no, I did not say that. I am just remain silent...

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