Monday, October 17, 2011

Miss Messy

I am a type of person who can't do multitasking. I can't talk in class while listening to my lecture. I can't write or text messages when someone is talking to me. I can't eat while reading. I can't do 2 tasks at one time. So whenever I have more than 1 task to be done at a time, I have to list them from the most important to the least one so I can prioritize and focus only on the most important one. Last week I was caught in a situation where I have 3 important things to be done - my examination, my job interview with the government and maintaining my room cleanliness, not to mention the other things that went through my mind such as finding the solution for my money problem, booking a flight for my next posting and family problem.  As a result, I got this one big messy mind, and it was portrayed by my room's condition.

Tak senonoh kan? It's a big mess. Gross. I don't like it either but I had no choice but to focus on my studies and prepared for the interview until I forgot to put my cekodok bowl and the mug to the kitchen. Even though I have a maid that can wash all my clothes, I was just too busy to put my dirty clothes outside. Disgusting, I know. I'm going to clean it today. *cheers for me!*


lufkin said...

haha, busyuk!

Mia said...

Hehe, sekali sekala. Biar busuk di dalam asalkan wangi bila keluar bilik ;p

Azim said...


Mia said...

Don't yucks! Fine, it's really yucks. Ye laa nak kemas la ni...

ms. lili@ said...

toby.. nama baby dalam cite labyrinth..!

Mia said...

Eh, ha'ah la. Baru ingat. Tobyyyyy...